September 10, 2013
I don't use watercolours much since I started digital painting but it's often the quickest, easiest way to create color artwork outdoors. I remember getting a Winsor & Newton enameled paint set as a teenager.
Winsor & Newton set - not mine but the same model |
It was a really sturdy set that I took to England and Germany in my 20's. It's a bit heavy, though, so I made myself a little cheapo set out of a kid's paint set that I could just pop in my pocket for an afternoon at High Park or the Tiergarten. I still use this set to this day for weekend getaways. I keep filling up the tray with tube paints. I have a couple of sawed-off paintbrushes and some pencil extenders, a scrap of cloth. Over the years I acquired another little plastic case into which it all fits and use as a water container. I usually carry drinking water in a bottle everywhere I go so I don't include a tiny bottle in my kit like some do.
My old faithful traveling set from the '90's. |
The holder allows a half-sized paint brush to be more comfortable
for painting. The tape makes the brush thick enough for the holder. |
Much to my happy surprise my son became interested in field sketching with me. We usually just shared a paint set but then he asked me to make him one for himself. So I did, using a mint tin and a hollowed-out paint set from the dollar store. Then his friend asked me to make one for him too. In no time I had made a few of these little sets.
Tiny watercolor sets for quick field sketching. |
Cotman's space-age Field Plus set |
Around that time my son seemed to outgrow his set so we ended up giving him a very cool Cotman Field Plus set which I'm very jealous of and borrow quite often. Its best feature is the tons of mixing room on the various pull-out pallettes.
Russell Stutler's enviable
hand-crafted paint set. |
I've seen tons of ideas on the internet about making these sets - some great ideas out there that I might try in the future. This guy
Russell Stutler makes his own beautifully-crafted wooden watercolor sets that I would LOVE to know how to make. Watercolors are so fantastic for quick outdoor sketches. I think the best sets are the ones so small and light you don't hesitate to bring with you everywhere.